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most useful libraries

pip install xxx

If you download python, there are some commonly used libraries that can be installed, so as to avoid some inexplicable errors in the future.

The method of installing the library was mentioned before.

First, check the system environment variables and system path when python is installed (if you forget it at the time, you can overwrite the installation again)

After searching cmd in win10, the command prompt will open.

Enter the following code to install these libraries. If your internet speed is slow, you may need to wait for a while.


numpy is a data processing library, very commonly used, basically every program needs to be used, so installing numpy can be said to be the first step in python programming

pip install numpy


matplotlib is a plotting library for python, which is quite common and must be installed.

pip install matplotlib


pandas is a very commonly used library, which is also used for data processing and data visualization.

pip install pandas


The most commonly used machine learning library.

pip install sklearn


If you want your output to look good, then seaborn is the best choice. This library has made many optimizations to the python visual interface.

pip install seaborn

Some database connection libraries are also very commonly used, but they are not used here yet. I am going to explain them in the database chapter.


Start time of this page: December 20, 2021

Completion time of this page: December 20, 2021

Last updated